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First Family On Vacation

After obliging visitors on a heavy rush weekend, the first family of Ranthambhore is enjoying their little private vacation around lakes. Like her ever-obliging mother, the current queen T19 also gave darshan to her followers with her little ones for 3-4 days continuously. As the crowd descended, came in the news of her losing one cub from the litter of four. Post shifting of the family from Rajbagh Palace to Jhalra only three cubs were sighted & on one occasion she travelled all the way from Jhalra to the hunting palace, growling as if calling out the young one, trying to get his/her scent. Well, this is nature & perhaps the fourth one was too weak to survive.

T19 with her current litter of 3 cubs from Ranthambore

The current first family of Ranthambore

She cannot afford to let the area remain vacant for long as her own boys from the previous litter are hanging around & would do anything to grab this piece of amazing wild real estate. She has no choice but to stay put around lakes in order to protect it from trespassers.

As the news of the sighting of small cubs went viral, forest officials decided to close this area not only for tourists but also for filming crews filming presently & also so-called VIPs.  Courtesy construction of fort road, traffic for zone II has been diverted via Singh Dwaar & blockades have been put around Naal Ghati to restrict access. Even the forest vehicles are forbidden to enter unless prior approval is sought. No so good news for the paparazzi but when it comes to Queen’s privacy nothing is left to chance.

This is a welcome step as it would provide cubs with much-needed inviolate space to grow & play. Not sure how long this zone would remain closed but as long as it serves the purpose it is surely worth it.


Posted by: Anurag Sharma


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